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Hill | Levene Review: The Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Issue
Levene Graduate Information Sessions
Entrepreneurial Collision Space
Levene MHRM Accredited with CPHR SK
Hill BBA HR Major Accredited with CPHR SK
For Alumni
The Faculty of Business Administration has a long and proud history of producing distinguished graduates that go on to be alumni that are integral members of organizations locally, provincially, nationally and internationally working in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Our over 12,000 Business Administration Alumni are world class ambassadors of the Faculty and of the University.
If you would like to know more about the University of Regina Alumni, the Alumni Association and their activities feel free to visit the University of Regina Alumni home page. You can also update your contact information online.
The Paul J. Hill School of Business Alumni and the Kenneth Levene Graduate School of Business Alumni have each created their own Alumni Associations. To learn more about the two groups and how you can get involved go to the Hill Alumni Association page and the Levene Alumni Association pages!