Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost to study at the U of R?

Students should expect to pay for meals, transportation, accommodations and recreation in addition to tuition and student fees. This is a typical Budget for Living and Studying in a graduate program in Regina.

Is Co-operative Education available?

International students are elegible to register for 2 or 3 paid work terms during their program. Students who complete the Co-operative Education Program will have a Co-operative Education Designation added to their degree.

Is there an International Study Tour in my program?

This course involves travel abroad, with the purpose of exposing students to real world business activities. The course involves travel to one or more destinations to visit business enterprises, as well as pre- and post-travel classroom activities. This trip is an option for MBA, MAdmin and MHRM students.

Are there Academic Support Services?

At the U of R our aim is for you to succeed. Many support services such as language and academic help are available to our international students. These include an ESL program, English Language Coaching, Conversation One-on-One, Conversation Club, Tutoring and Study assistance. An Academic Advisor is available at the Levene GSB.

Where do I get Housing, Dining, and Transportation information?

Are there Health and Well-being services?


To help University of Regina students pay for the health services they need, URSU has partnered with StudentCare in order to provide students with extended health and dental coverage. The Plan is designed specifically to fill the gaps in provincial health care (Saskatchewan Health) and other basic health-care programs. Unless an international student opts out of this program, registration is mandatory (included in tuition) and can include family members at an additional cost.

Counselling Services

We offer personal counselling for students experiencing problems, group counselling for students interested in improving study habits or working through personal issues in a group setting, and emergency counselling for individuals who suddenly find themselves in crisis.

What are my options for Recreation and Entertainment on Campus?

Strike a perfect balance between work, study and life! This is so critical that U of R tuition fees include a membership to the gym. The gym is a great place to recharge after exams and meet new friends. Check out the activities offered.

The University of Regina Student Union (URSU) and UR International Global Learning Centre organize many on-campus entertainment events.

Is there an International Student Office? 

UR International provides international students with Language Resources, Academic Support, Career Services, Support Groups and much more. To see what UR International offers visit the link below:

What Volunteer Opportunities are available?

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, meet people and create life-time friendships. It is always great to get out and get involved when visiting a new country. See volunteer opportunities below: