About Our Camps

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All Camps

  • Camp Values
  • Communications & UR Community
  • Creative Kids Funding
  • Curriculum Planning
  • Registration

In-Person Camps ONLY

  • What to Bring to Camps
  • Sign-in/Sign-out Procedures
  • What to Expect at the In-Person Conservatory Creative Camps 
  • Ages 5-14 Full Days Camps
  • Ages 3-4 Half Day Camps

 Virtual Camps ONLY

  • Zoom Call Schedules
  • Zoom Basics
  • Zoom Ground Rules
Still have questions or concerns? Please contact the Conservatory Camp Staff at creative.camp@uregina.ca



Camp Values

  • Safety - we value the emotional, physical, and mental safety of all children who attend our camps. Please see our Centre for Continuing Education Student Conduct Policy for more information.
  • Creativity - our camps encourage creative expression in a variety of art forms and are lots of fun!
  • Integrity - we help students develop creative work that gives them pride, challenging them to strengthen their abilities and confidence as growing artists.
  • Quality Education - our camps provide a nurturing, exploratory, and cooperative learning environment led by experienced and qualified artists and educators.
  • Inclusivity - we want children of all backgrounds and skill levels to feel valued and respected while attending our camps. In addition, for families with financial barriers, funds may be available from Creative Kids Saskatchewan. Visit CreativeKidsSask.ca for more details.

Communications & UR Community

All important information and communications about your child's camp will be in UR Community (our online classrooms). If you are new at the Conservatory, we will create your child's account and you will be e-mailed information about how to login. The account creation takes about 1-2 business days after you register. These login details are sent from sis.noncredit@uregina.ca. If you are a returning student, you will use your current login credentials. Camps will appear in your UR Community dashboard 1 week prior to the camp session (for summer, all camps will be visible by the end of June).

For in-person camps, a list of approved sign-in/sign-out family members and family friends will be submitted by families through an online questionnaire in your child's UR Community classroom.

If you have not received your child's login credentials or forgot your child's username, please contact our Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office.

Creative Kids Funding

For families with financial need, you can apply to funding from Creative Kids Saskatchewan. We cannot register a child in our programs until the funding is approved. Creative Kids will send you a letter if your funding is approved and our Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office also receives a list of approved students. If we have a client account for you or if Creative Kids provides your contact information, we will contact you when we receive this list. Otherwise, you can contact us when you receive your letter. The Program Coordinator has guaranteed that there will be spots in camps for families that receive Creative Kids funding. 

Curriculum Planning

Lesson planning happens one month prior to the camp start date and is at the discretion of our experienced artists and educators. Read more about our wonderful Camp Staff. Even though themes may be the same throughout the year, each week is unique as we have a variety of instructors and teaching materials. As well, we try to ensure material is not duplicated when we have children returning to multiple weeks of camp in the year or during the summer.


Links to register for our camps can be found on our Day Camp pages or you can head to our Online Registration System to search for camps and classes. If you are having any issues, you can contact our Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office. During registration you will be asked to sign waivers, which includes our withdrawal/refund policy, media release form, and current COVID-19 waiver. The most up-to-date policies can be found on our Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office Policy page. If a camp is already full, you can request to be added to a waiting list in our Online Registration System or by contacting our Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office. Don't hesitate to join our waiting lists because if there is enough interest and we can find staff and space/timeslots, we will add instructors or sessions to expand registration. 


Learn more about the University's current COVID-19 protocols on the Term Updates page. As of June 1, 2022, masks are welcome but not required in any spaces on campus. When you register your child in ActiveNet for an in-person camp you will be asked to accept our CPA COVID Camp Waiver.

It is important to note that all day camp programming is subject to change and/or cancellation with minimal notice. Any camp policies or procedures listed here are subject to change if any changes occur to University policies or public health orders are implemented.

What to Bring to Camp

  1. Water bottle (filling stations are available).
  2. A nut-free snack & lunch that campers can open and eat independently and that does not require access to a microwave. Half day camps only need to pack a snack.
  3. Appropriate dress for the activities.
    1. For summer camps only:
      1. "I heart the arts" camp t-shirts will be provided one per child, which your child is required to wear each day.
      2. Bring a hat each day as we take all breaks outdoors whenever possible.
      3. Personal bottles of sunscreen and bug spray.
    2. For all camp sessions:
      1. Pack indoor shoes during rainy, snowy, or muddy weather and for all musical theatre and dance camps (outdoor shoes need to be removed in our dance studio).
      2. For all visual art or multidisciplinary camps, please wear clothes that can get dirty/soiled.
      3. For all theatre and dance camps, wear clothes that allow for a free range of motion. No special dance shoes or clothing will be required - whatever your child is most comfortable moving in works for us!
    3. For ages 3-4 half day camps:
      1. We expect all campers at this age to be potty-trained before joining us for camps. However, we understand accidents do happen. Please pack an extra change of clothes (top, bottom, and underwear) in a backpack each day or a bag labeled with your child's name that can be left in the classroom for the week.

/Out Procedures

  1. Photo ID will be required upon sign-out.
  2. Staff will check campers in/out. It is recommended to only have one guardian at the drop-off/pick-up location to avoid crowding.
  3. Any person dropping-off/picking-up your child must be registered prior to doing. You can register approved sign-out persons in our online questionnaire in UR Community (our online classroom space, these questionnaires will be made available one week before camp or at the end of June for summer camps).

What to Expect at the In-Person Conservatory Creative Camps

Camps have 8-15 children. Ages 3-4 camps and camps with specialized instruments (ex: piano and guitar) will have less children than full day camps in general themes. In cases where camp spaces have opened up to more students than 15, groups will be spit into two groups. You will be informed by our offices if the class is splitting up, in case you registered to take the camp with another family. If we don't hear from families about specific preferences, classes will be split based on last name (ex: A-L in one class, M-Z in the other).

At the UR camps, we have three Camper Behaviour Expectations during our camps:

  • Leadership: I take the initiative to be the best I can be. I support my team. I am a good influence to others and behave well.
  • Listening & Understanding: I listen well to other campers and staff. I work hard to understand how I make others feel. I put myself in someone else's shoes to understand how other people feel.
  • Good Friend: I am a good team members. I work well with my team. I know that everyone in the camps is important and I show them with my actions.

Download our Camper Expectations. These expectations will be posted in all classroom spaces.

We can make age exemptions to keep siblings in the same camp. Please contact our Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office to ask about age exemptions for your children.

Discounts are available for some camps, find details in the camp descriptions in our online registration system.

Whenever possible, meals are eaten outdoors. In the case of inclement weather or during winter camps, meals will be eaten indoors.

It is important that you or your family arrives on time for drop-off and pick-up, as we try to wait for all students to arrive to start our day and our staff need time after late pick-up for cleaning in the classrooms before the end of their shifts. If you know you will be late/absent please contact creative.camp@uregina.ca or use the course email available in UR Community.

Camps will use different entrances, classrooms, outdoor spaces, and washrooms at the College Avenue Campus based on the activities they are doing. Parents/guardians are discouraged from coming into the campus building to find your child's classroom. At the entry points for camps, our Program Coordinator's phone number will be be listed on a sandwich board, which you can call if you need to pick-up your child early. You can also go to CB 118 (Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office) to ask these staff members to contact our camp programming staff.

Cellphone usage is strictly prohibited for campers during the camp day, unless a child is required to use their phone for medical reasons noted in our medical/learning concerns questionnaire (ex: sending blood sugar updates to a parent throughout the day). Handheld gaming systems and eReaders are also discouraged and we are not responsible for any lost or stolen electronics. Handheld gaming systems are permitted to be used during break times only. While your child's cellphone may have mobile games or books, we cannot monitor your child’s usage and they could be using their phone to text friends (discourages interactions with their peers), look up age inappropriate content to share with other campers (we have campers ages 3-14), or post camp photos on social media (can infringe on privacy of campers). In some cases, instructors may encourage usage of a cellphone for research (ex: Scriptwriting or Songwriting for ages 11-14), but it is at the discretion of the instructor. Camp staff will be on their cellphones as we use a messenger app to communicate camp information (ex: early pick-ups, classroom issues, security concerns, and more), as camp rooms are located on separate floors/areas of the campus.

Ages 5-14 Full Day Camps

All ages 5-14 camps will have drop-off/pick-up locations either on the first (CB 112) or second floor (CB 210) of the College Avenue Campus (2155 College Avenue, all rooms and floors are accessible friendly). Exact locations will be posted on a sandwich board in the atrium/lobby area or you can go to CB 112 to ask camp staff which room to use. Early drop-off and late pick-up is included in the camp fee and any family can make use of our early drop-off and late pick-up option.

Early Drop-off 8:00-9:00am
Camp Day 9:00am-4:00pm
Late Pick-up 4:00-5:00pm


Ages 3-4 Half Day Camps

CB 034/036 (2155 College Avenue, Lower Level, rooms are accessible friendly) is both the classroom and where you will go to drop-off and pick-up your child each day. Ages 3-4 camps are the only camps where your child's classroom is the drop-off/pick-up location.

AM Camp Day 9:15-11:45am
Early Drop-off & Late Pick-up Not available for this age group


Zoom Call Schedule

Daily 1-3:00pm

Zoom Call Basics

All video conferencing for Virtual Camps will be done through Zoom and the link will be in your child's UR Community classroom. You don’t need to download a program onto your computer (web based service) but you will need to download the Zoom app if using a smart device. It is available for free in Google Play or the App Store. Families will be required to have a microphone and web cam to engage with the camps; these come standard on most tablets, smart phones, and laptops but may not be available on a desktop computer without purchasing an external microphone or camera. Check your devices before your first class to ensure you have the proper equipment. Our Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit Office has drop-in sessions available for anyone interested in testing Zoom before your camp. Go to Zoom Support.

Zoom Call Ground Rules

These rules guide all calls for the Conservatory of Performing Arts programming. In all cases if you are experiencing technical issues with Zoom or experienced an emergency while on a Zoom call, please contact Student & Instructor Services Non-Credit. Read our ground rules: Zoom Information for Camp FamiliesFile