Income Tax for Students

Form T2202 - Tuition and Enrolment Certificate

T2202 - What Can I Deduct?

The University cannot provide tax advice. The T2202 only reports the tuition paid and the number of months the student is enrolled in a qualifying educational program. It does not provide assurance that the student is eligible for either the tuition credit or the education tax credit. Each student must determine whether or not they are eligible for these tax credits based on their own circumstances. To find out more about credits and your eligibility, you should consult a tax professional or the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

For further details refer to the various materials located on CRA's website for students. Specifically the Guide P105 Students and Income Tax is very useful.

How to Print Your T2202 Form

  1. Login to UR Self-Service using your student ID and PIN. Your user id will be your student number.

    If you have not yet changed your PIN, enter your birth date in the following format:  DDMMYY or YYMMDD.

  2. Select "Student Services"
  3. Click on Canadian Tax Forms
  4. Select T2202 Tax Credit Form
  5. Select appropriate year from drop-down menu
  6. Select "Printable T2202 Form" button
  7. Press Submit
  8. Read the notice, then click on "Continue"
  9. A two-page document appears on your screen. Go to your file menu and choose print. Print preview the document and adjust as necessary.
  10. Print to your local printer.

The Canadian Government recognizes this document as an official tax receipt.

Trouble printing your T2202?

Please see the FAQ page

Form T4A - Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income

Scholarship Income

The University of Regina, Financial Services, issues T4A slips to students who received scholarships and bursaries. The T4A is mailed to the address on record by the end of February each year.

Check the income tax guide or the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website to check whether to include the scholarship and bursary income on your income tax return, as not all scholarships and bursaries are taxable.

Please note, if you received the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship, the Government of Saskatchewan is issuing the T4A’s for this scholarship.  The Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship will not appear on your University of Regina T4A.

Student Tax Tips

Check out the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website for some helpful tax tips.

Have a Question About Student Tax Forms?

If you have questions regarding your tax forms, you can phone 306-585-4123 or e-mail