Seminar: A Dynamic Stage-based Fraud Monitoring Framework of Multiple Live Auctionsn
Fri., Mar. 18, 2016 1:30 p.m.
Location: CL 431
Title: A Dynamic Stage-based Fraud Monitoring Framework of Multiple Live Auctionsn
Speaker: Xuegang Wang
Date: March 18 (F)
Time: 1:30pm - 2:20pm
Room: CL 431
Abstract: Monitoring progressing auctions for fraudulent bidding activities is becoming crucial in order to detect and stop fraud on time. For this purpose, we introduce a generic stage-based framework to monitor multiple live auctions for in-auction fraud.
Creating a stage-based runtime fraud monitoring service is substantially different than has been proposed in the very limited studies on runtime fraud detection. We develop the proposed framework with a dynamic architecture where multiple monitoring agents can be created or deleted with respect to the status of their corresponding auctions (initialized, completed or cancelled). Adopting a dynamic software architecture represents an excellent solution to handle the scalability and real-time performance
issues of fraud monitoring systems.