Project Approval and Defence Procedures (M.Sc. Project-route)
M.Sc. Project-route students are required to defend their Project Report. The defence is considered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research as an informal evaluations, and is therefore not vetted by FGSR. However, this does not mean that it is not important. A successful defence is required to complete the degree. As such, students are required to submit paperwork to the Department of Computer Science in order to proceed to the defence.
In term of the format of the Project Report, students are to consult with their supervisor(s) concerning the general organization of the document. Students are encouraged to follow the same formatting and structure guidelines provided by FGSR for that of a thesis (replacing the term “thesis” with “project report” where applicable such as the cover page). Careful proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors as well as for adherence to all other standards for academic writing is the responsibility of the student, under the guidance of their supervisor(s).
Below is a list of the forms, along with instructions on what you are to do with each form. Please follow these instructions carefully.
1. fill out the top portion of this form
2. deliver one completed form to each supervisor/co-supervisor
3. ask each supervisor/co-supervisor to return it to the CS Department Office directly
1. fill out the top portion of this form
2. deliver one completed form to each committee member
3. ask each committee member to return it to the CS Department Office directly
1. fill out the top portion of this form
2. do not check any of the verification boxes, as these must be checked carefully by the Department
3. return it to the CS Department Office
Project Report Document Review and Approval
Once the supervisor/co-supervisor and all committee members agree that the Project Report is ready for defence, it must be reviewed and approved by the Associate Head (Graduate). Upload a copy of your Project to a cloud-based file sharing platform such as Google Drive or Dropbox, and send a link to this file to Please allow up to one week for this review to be completed, noting that the Associate Head (Graduate) may require that changes be made to your Project Report to ensure it meets Departmental expectations for form, style, and depth of content. This must be done before the Associate Head (Graduate) will approve any of the forms for proceeding to defence.
Project Report Defence
The defence will proceed following the same procedures as a thesis defence. However, there will be no externa examiner; instead the committee member takes on the duties of the primary examiner. For more information on project defence procedures, see the FGSR website:
If your defence is successful without any changes required to your Project Report, you supervisor will forward the document to the Department Office and a memo will be prepared for FGSR indicating that you have completed the requirements of your degree.
If changes are required by the supervisory committee after the defence, you will need to provide these to your supervisor for review. If the changes address the problems identified, your supervisor will forward the document to the Department Office, as noted above.