Undergraduate Links
Awards and Scholarships
The followng is a list of the scholarships and awards which a Computer Science undergraduate student can apply for. See U of R Student Awards and Financial Aid for more and complete information.
- The SED Systems Scholarship, $800, deadline: April 30.
- The Shell Canada Scholarship in Computer Science, Administration or Electronic Systems Engineering (two awards), $1850, deadline: September 10.
- Shell Canada Aboriginal Scholarship in Computer Science, $1700, deadline: September 10.
- Peter J. Puckall Memorial Bursary in Computer Science, $1250, deadline: January 31.
- Cooperators Life - IT: A BETTER CAREER Scholarship, $2,000, deadline: September 15.
- ISM Canada IT Future Scholarship in Computer Science, $3000, deadline: September 30.
- Sask Gaming Community Leadership Scholarship (Aboriginal), $5000, September 30.
- Sask Gaming Dependents Scholarship (Aboriginal), $3000, September 30.
- Sask Gaming Scholarship (Aboriginal) (two awards), $3000, September 30.
- SaskEnergy Aboriginal Scholarships, $2500, September 30.
- SaskEnergy Scholarships (Entrance Students), $2500, deadline: March 15.
- SaskEnergy Scholarships (Undergraduate Continuing Students), $2500, deadline: April 30.
- Wascana Preceptory No. 51 Knights Templar Scholarship, $4,400 (paid in 2 instalments), deadline: April 30.
The undergraduate student can also apply for the part-time student assistant positions. See Career Opportunities for more information.