Sean Tucker

Professor (Human Resource Management)

Phone: 306-337-3244

View the Full CV (123 KB) PDF File

Ph.D., Organizational Behaviour (Major) and Industrial & Labour Relations (Minor), Queen’s University, 2010
M.Sc., Management, Queen’s University, 2005
MIR, Industrial Relations, Queen’s University, 2004
BBA, Management (Major) and History (Major), Simon Fraser University, 2002

BUS 250 Introduction to Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
GBUS 846 Occupational Health and Safety
GBUS 870 Leadership: Theory and Practice

Sean Tucker’s primary area of research is occupational health and safety. Current projects focus on change in young worker safety behaviours across time, the influence of executive leadership on frontline employee safety behaviours and injuries, and predictors of young worker injury under reporting. His other research interests relate to industrial relations, specifically employer responses to unionization and labour law reform in Canada.


2023 Report on Work Fatality and Injury Rates in Canada (1 MB) PPT File

2022 Report on Work Fatality and Injury Rates in Canada (1.11 MB) PPT File

2021 Report on Work Fatality and Injury Rates in Canada (1.02 MB) PPT File

2020 Report on Work Fatality and Injury Rates in Canada (1.02 MB) PPT File

2019 Report on Work Fatality and Injury Rates in Canada (996 KB) PPT File

Work fatalities in Saskatchewan in 2018. Public lecture October 11, 2018 (912 KB) PPT File

2018 Report on Work Fatality and Injury Rates in Canada (912 KB) PPT File

Young Worker Safety Research: Implications for Employers and Policy (March 21, 2018) Presentation to SK Hospitality Safety Association (3.17MB) PPT File

Workplace fatalities public lecture Sept 7 2017 (1MB) PPT File

2017 Report on Workplace Fatalities and Injuries April 25 2017 (743kB) PPT File

University of Calgary presentation (April 5, 2017) Safety in Operations: A Case Study of the Co-op Refinery Complex (2.33MB) PPT File

Workplace fatalities in Canada with focus on Saskatchewan - September 29, 2016 public lecture (5.69 MB) PPT File

Workplace fatalities in Canada AWCBC data set - September 29, 2016 (39 KB) Excel

Submission to the Government of Saskatchewan liquor retailing public consultation process (January 30, 2015) (1.33MB) PPT File

Bill C-377 Public lecture (May 23, 2012). Union Accountability and the Law: Recasting the Current Debate. (570KB) PPT File

Bill C-377 Public lecture with Dr. Andrew Stevens (October 8, 2014). Working in the Shadows for Transparency: Russ Hiebert, LabourWatch, Nanos Research, and the Making of Bill C-377. (1.48MB) PPT File