Co-operative Education

Cooperative Education (Co-op) is an opportunity for students to get out of the classroom and gain real-life experience in their field of study. Co-op is an optional program that allows students to alternate their academic semesters with work terms. A work term is paid work experience in an area related to a student's academic studies, which gives students the chance to enhance their studies and offers networking opportunities for post-education employment. Co-op students are treated like full-time employees and are paid competitive salaries. 

Enhance Academic Studies

As a result of work experience, many students are better motivated in the classroom, and have developed self-confidence and maturity. They are better prepared to make a meaningful contribution to class discussions and are able to select courses to incorporate needed professional skills.

Provide Networking Opportunities

Co-op students benefit from 12 or 16 months of full-time professional work experience over the course of their program. This will assist them in making sensible career decisions and making contacts in the business world. Many co-op students receive a job offer from a previous work term employer after their last work term.

Financial Benefits

Co-op students are paid competitive salaries and are treated like full-time employees. These funds can assist in offsetting the costs of university tuition and other related school expenses. In 2022, 131 Hill students were placed on 175 co-op work terms, averaging a salary of $3,500 per month.

Students must apply between 54-81 credit hours, must maintain a grade point average of 67.5%, and must also be in good academic standing. Other academic requirements apply and may be found at the Co-operative Education website.

Information on the First Nations University of Canada Co-operative Education program can be found on the Indigenous Career Education website.

The U of R's co-op program is CAFCE accredited. Find out more about this accreditation here.