Business /Law Option

The fields of law and business are very complimentary and provide excellent career opportunities.

The Business/Law option is not a program that can be declared, but an opportunity for students to obtain two credentials with some overlapping credits. The BBA/Law option is typically a six-year combined process that allows students to obtain a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Juris Doctor (JD) or Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree in less time than if the two programs were taken separately.

Hill students who have selected the Business/Law option will seek admission to an approved law school and will enter that law school following successful completion of three years in the Hill BBA program. With the right selection of courses in the three years of BBA studies, students can receive credit from their first year of law school (up to 10 classes worth) to complete their BBA. Students will then complete the remaining requirements of their law degree and ideally obtain the JD or LLB.

Our students have been admitted to a number of different law schools, and thereafter, successfully completed the combined program. Some of these schools have included:

  • University of Alberta
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • University of Victoria
  • University of Western Ontario

Students interested in this option should consult with an academic advisor after their first year of studies in the Hill School of Business to discussassist them in  planning their program appropriately.


"The business law option offered through the Paul J. Hill School of Business allowed me to pursue my interests in business while working toward both a Bachelor or Business Administration Degree and Law Degree in a shorter time period than if I had done them separately. Through the combined program, I was able to engage in a variety of classes that led me to excel in my studies in law school and well into my law career. I truly believe the business law option offered through the Hill School set me up for success in my law career.”

Abbie Treslan, BBA 2018
Associate at Miller Thomson LLP