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Bachelor's Degree Program

Film Production

Dreaming of being a filmmaker? The film and video production program is the only degree program of its kind between Vancouver and Western Ontario.

You will be immersed in the fundamentals of film production, including scriptwriting, directing, producing, cinematography, visual editing, digital f/x, animation, and sound production. You will also study the history, theory, and culture of motion pictures.

Students often find work before graduation, and nearly all move directly into production work when they graduate.

Sample Courses

  • Animation
  • Audio Production
  • Cinematography
  • Digital Effects
  • Directing
  • Dramatic Film Production
  • Documentary Film Production
  • Experimental Film Production
  • Film Festival Administration (Living Skies Student Film Festival)
  • Producing
  • Post-Production
  • Scriptwriting

Career Opportunities

Graduates are prepared for careers as:

  • Animator
  • Archivist
  • Arts Administration
  • Crew member in the film and television industry
  • Director
  • Distributor
  • Entrepreneur: Develop a production company or film rental unit
  • Festival programmer and curator
  • Film Critic
  • Film Scholar
  • Independent Filmmaker
  • Producer
  • Writer

Media, Art, and Performance Meet Your Faculty

Quick Facts

Program: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Production
Length: 4 years
Offered Through: University of Regina Campion College First Nations University of Canada Luther College
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