
URAA Sponsorship

The University of Regina Alumni Association (URAA) is a leading advocate of our University and our alumni throughout the year. The URAA sponsorship program is an annual fund available to support strategic events and initiatives that help build awareness for the Association.

Eligibility Criteria

The URAA Sponsorship Program supports events, programs, activities, and projects that tie into University of Regina alumni and students.

Activities or events must be linked to at least one of these areas to qualify for support:

  1. Mentorship
  2. Relationship building
  3. U of R alumni engagement
  4. U of R student engagement

Applications are also subject to the following criteria to qualify for funding:

  • Applicants are eligible for no more than one grant per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31);
  • Applications for funding must be submitted annually; no multi-year funding applications will be approved; and
  • A successful funding application in one year does not guarantee that future applications will be awarded in subsequent years.

In addition to supporting one-time or annual fundraising events, we also accept requests for donations of merchandise for draws, raffles, or prizes.


For a sponsorship request to be approved, it must follow these guidelines:

  • The sponsored event, group or activity must enhance alumni engagement with the U of R, prospective students and/or students, faculty and/or department;
  • The sponsored event, group or activity must be directly affiliated to the U of R; and
  • Appropriate recognition must be given to highlight the URAA’s involvement.

Organizations that receive funding from the URAA over $500 must also agree to provide a post-event/initiative report.

To apply for sponsorship from the URAA, please submit a Sponsorship Application Form.

URAA Sponsorship Application Form

The Request

What are you requesting? *
How is your organization or group classified? *

The Initiative

Which area is your initiative primarily focused? *

Support Rationale

Contact Information

Applications will be reviewed bi-monthly between September and June each year. Please submit sponsorship requests as early as possible to increase your projects chance of being approved. Applications for event sponsorship must be received at least 60 days prior to the event, to allow time for proper review and consideration.