Ellen Son


Office: WA 124.4
E-mail: Ellen.Son@uregina.ca
Phone: (306) 337-3141

  • B.Ed. in German Education and English Education
  • M.Ed. in Adult Education
  • TESL Canada Certification (Level 3 - Permanent)
  • Certificate in Life Skills Coaching and Facilitating

Ellen has over 15 years of teaching experience in Korea and Canada. Most of her teaching career focuses on teaching ESL to young adults. What she enjoys most as an ESL instructor is interacting with the students who have diverse national, cultural, linguistic, racial backgrounds and contributing to improving her students' language competence.

She believes that our ability to speak another language opens the door for us – who otherwise may not have the opportunity – to learn and understand why people act, speak, and think the way they do, which in turn helps us also understand ourselves better.