Updating Your Contact Information

Why is it important to update my emergency contact information?
  • If you do not update your information, you may not receive important notices or information relevant to you as a U of R student.
  • In the event of an emergency, the University may not have anyone to contact that could offer additional support and guidance.
  • Updating your emergency contact information means that the University has someone to contact who you trust and can help you navigate stressful situations that may arise.
  • You have the peace of mind that, should an emergency arise, you have someone you can depend on to take on some of your personal responsibilities.
Who should I list as an emergency contact?
  • A family member, friend, colleague, or other individual who you trust to be responsible in helping you during an emergency situation.
  • Anyone you feel would need to be notified in an emergency situation.
Should I list any other important information in my emergency contact list?
  • Yes! Make sure to note down any urgent responsibilities your emergency contact should be aware of (e.g., tasks that need to be done, etc.)
  • Although not everyone will be included in your emergency contact list, make sure to stay connected with family and friends!
When should I update my emergency and general contact information?
  • Anytime you have changes to any of your contact information (e.g., change of email address, updated phone number, change of address, etc.).
  • Anytime your emergency contact(s) has changed their information (e.g., new phone number, additional email address, change of address, etc.).

Update Your Information in UR Self-Service:
  • Login to UR Self-Service and select "Personal Services"
  • Update your information as necessary
Update Your Information with UR International: