
Booking an Exam

The Brad Hornung Accommodations Test Centre (ATC) uses Accommodate for exam arrangements. To book an exam, students can login to Accommodate and follow the process for booking an exam outlined in this training handout. There is also a short video that goes through the process.

Note: We reserve the right to move you to a different room, if needed, to ensure all students' accommodation needs are met.

What to Expect When You Arrive

In order to protect academic integrity and other students' experiences, the following is what you can expect upon entering Brad Hornung ATC:

  • Students should arrive 15 minutes prior to their exam time to allow time for check-in. Students will present their student ID to the front staff person who will find your test and check to ensure all unneccessary items are put into a locker.
  • All personal items must be kept in lockers (students can bring their own lock if desired) - students are only permitted to take a pen(s) and/or pencil(s) and a clear water bottle (without labels) into the exam room. No phones or watches are allowed. Other items such as calculators (provided by the ATC), snacks and note sheets are only allowed if approved through the Centre for Accessibility or the instructor. Please note: the ATC is not responsible for any lost or stolen personal items.
  • Students will be called from the waiting area when it is time for them to enter the exam room.
  • There are 11 shared exam rooms and 11 private rooms
    • Each workstation has two computer monitors to accommodate electronic exams via UR Courses
    • Each room is equipped with surveillance cameras
    • Each room has a large clock displaying the current time
  • Invigilators and ATC staff monitor all exam spaces to ensure questions are answered in a timely manner and there is no academic misconduct taking place.
  • Remember, you are your best advocate and our goal is for you to have a positive experience. If anything has been missed or your experience could be improved, please speak to one of the ATC staff members.

We can always be reached at or 306-337-2300 to address any questions or concerns you may have.

All exams administered in the Brad Hornung ATC will be monitored via closed circuit video surveillance.

Q & A regarding online learning and booking exams:

I am a student registered with Student Accessibility and I have approved exam accommodations. I am registered for credit classes on campus/face-to-face. Where do I schedule my exams?

You can book your exam(s) at the Brad Hornung Accommodations Test Centre (ATC), through Accommodate.

I am a student registered with Student Accessibility and I have approved exam accommodations. I am registered in credit online classes. My online classes have in-person scheduled finals. Where do I schedule my exams?

If you live in Regina or the Regina area, you can book your exam(s) at the Brad Hornung Accommodations Test Centre (ATC), through Accommodate.

If you do not live in the Regina area, please get in touch with your instructor to make arrangements for your exam accommodations.

I am a student registered with Student Accessibility and I have approved exam accommodations. I am registered in credit classes and I am taking off campus classes outside of the Regina area. Where do I schedule my exams?

Please get in touch with your instructor to make arrangements for your exam accommodations.