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Science Academic Hub

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Welcome Science Students!

The Science Academic Hub supports the Academic programming of the Faculty of Science and undergraduate students in Science programs. Our enrollment specialists, Natalie, Rachael, and Jonathan, field questions (in person, and through email) from students, whereas our advisors, Ashley, Breane, and Kim, help students understand the path through their program of study.

 science hub help list

Contact Us

Science Academic Hub
Faculty of Science
Lab Building Room 238
University of Regina
Regina SK S4S 0A2

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to Noon
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Email the Science Academic Hub

Our Advisors



Science Academic Advisor


Science Academic Advisor


Science Academic Advisor

Our Enrolment Specialists

Our team is happy to help answer your questions in person or through email. We can often answer the questions you might think you need to see an advisor about, thus saving you time.
 Jonathan, Natalie, Rachael

Useful Links

Admission to Science

For additional information regarding admission requirements and how to apply, please visit University of Regina Admissions.


The Faculty of Science offers one-on-one program and career advising to Science students through the Science Academic Hub to help you reach your educational, career and life goals.


Faculty of Science students are eligible to receive a number of scholarships and awards including Entrance Awards and Continuing Awards based on academic performance as well as awards designated specifically to Science students.

Common First-Year Courses

Check out some elective course suggestions.


You can find important forms at the Registrar's Office.

Letters of Pending Graduation

Instructions and request form are availble here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What kind of job can I get if I study 'x'?
The short answer is: "it depends."

The truth is that it is likely that you will change careers several times in your life, and a Bachelor's degree can open many doors for you that may not otherwise be available to you.

Unlike a technical college or trade school, University doesn't provide you with specific job training, but rather the foundational knowledge in a particular area of study, in addition to many transferable skills that will serve you well in any career you may wish to pursue. That doesn't mean that it's not a good idea to be thinking about what you'd like to do with your career prior to committing to a university, college or any other post-secondary education program.

If you don't already have an idea of what career direction you'd like to pursue, there are many tools available to you through the University of Regina Centre for Experiential and Service Learning.

See the various programs for further information regarding some potential career options.
How long will my program take?
  • A student working on a 60.0 credit hour Certificate, if taking five courses in the Fall and five courses in the Winter semesters, will be here for two full years.
  • A student working on a Bachelor of Science, if taking five courses in the Fall and five courses in the Winter semesters, will be here for four full years.
  • A student working on one of the Joint programs we offer through SIAST will spend two years at SIAST, then, if taking five courses in the Fall and five courses in the Winter semesters, will be here for two full years.
  • A student working on a Pre-Professional program, if taking five courses in the Fall and five courses in the Winter semesters, will be here for one to four years. If accepted into the Professional school to continue the program of choice, the student may require an additional five to 12 years of education.
Will courses I've taken from other institutions be counted towards my program?

Transfer Credit may be obtained towards a program in Science for work completed at another institution. This includes Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses taken at the High School level.

If you think you have courses that may qualify for transfer, ensure that you have sent an official copy of your transcript to the University of Regina Registrar's Office, and speak to your Academic Advisor. You may be requested to provide detailed course syllabi for any courses that have not previously been evaluated for equivalency.

My lab is listed on my schedule, but I haven't had my course yet. Do I still go to the lab?
Most labs start in the second week of courses, but you can always check the door of the lab for a schedule, or contact your instructor to confirm.
My sibling/friend has already gone through the University and can help me register and find my way through the University. Do I still need to attend a Program Planning and Registration Seminar (Group Advising)?
You are not required to attend a Program Planning and Registration seminar, however, the seminar provides valuable information for you regarding the structure of your degree program, expectations, rules and regulations, program requirements and details about email, UR Self-Services and Registration. It gives you a chance to meet other students new to the Faculty of Science and to meet your advisor and ask any questions you may have.
Where do I buy my textbooks?
Textbooks are available at the University Bookstore (located in College West) 2-4 weeks before courses start. During the first week of courses, the Students' Union also runs a Used Bookstore where you can buy and sell used textbooks from other students.
Where do I get a parking pass?
Parking passes can be purchased from Parking Services, located in College West. Buying one early means you can avoid the line ups and ensure they don't sell out prior to obtaining one.
Where can I get a bus pass?
Students at the University of Regina now have access to the U-Pass, please see their page for more information. 
Where can I get a locker?
Lockers are rented out by the Students' Union at the beginning of each semester. Visit them on the 2nd floor of the Riddell Centre for further details.
I just missed an exam or assignment deadline. What do I do?
Start by speaking with your instructor as soon as possible. If they believe you qualify for a deferral, they will direct you to your faculty office to start the paperwork process. If you think you might miss an exam, or be late on any work, it is best to contact your instructor as soon as possible to see if arrangements can be made prior to a due date instead of after it is past.
I just missed a lecture or a lab. What do I do?
Lecture: Let your instructor know of your absence, and the reason, and make sure you didn't miss any in-course quizzes, assignments, etc. After that, locate a fellow student and obtain a copy of the notes from that date.

Lab: Contact your lab instructor as soon as possible and see if there is an alternate date you can attend a make-up lab.
I want to take a course, but I don't have the prerequisite. Can I get permission to take it without it?
Prerequisites are important in setting students up with the necessary knowledge needed in a course. However, there are sometimes extenuating circumstances where a prerequisite override might be acceptable. To see if you will be granted a prerequisite override, you need to email your request to the Department Head of the Department offering the course.  If you are granted permission to take the course without the prerequisite, please email that permission to
I have transfer credit for a course or taken a prerequisite in High School, but I am getting a Prerequisite error. How can I fix this?
Sometimes the Registration System doesn't recognize the transfer credit on your account and you need an override to take the course. In this case, stop by LB 238, or call (306) 585-4199; we can verify the prerequisites and enter any required overrides so you can register in the course. If you have had this issue in the past, feel free to stop by early and we can enter them ahead of time so you can register without issue on your eligible registration date.
What is an easy elective I can take?
An easy elective can vary drastically as everyone learns differently and has different interests. The best thing to do is to look through the different courses offered each semester and find something that looks interesting. You will always have the option of changing to something else within the first few days of the semester if it turns out you don't like it. Check out some common elective course suggestions here. 
Where can I find a tutor?
Some departments have lists of individual tutors, so you can stop by the departmental offices to find these. The Global Learning Centre also has study assistance. The Student Success Centre offers tutoring for Math and Stats, and a Writing Service, for all students in all disciplines. Also, keep your eyes open as you walk down the halls; many students will often advertise tutoring services via posters on the walls. You can find Independent Tutors as well.