Complete an Incident Report
Faculty and Staff:
As a member of our campus community, it is your obligation to complete an Incident Report Form.
Please report any incident that involves injury to a person or damage to property (or had the potential to do so) to Health and Safety, Human Resources, within 24 hours of occurrence.
After completing Page 1 of the Incident Report, sign it and provide both pages to your supervisor immediately.
Incident Report Form (267 KB) (fillable PDF)
Incident Report Form (708 KB) (fillable Word document)
Your supervisor should review Page 1 of the Incident Report, provide their comments on Page 2 and sign (electronic signatures are acceptable). Incomplete Incident Reports will be returned and delay processing!
Please submit BOTH pages of the signed Incident Report to or stop by the Human Resources office (AH 435) and drop it off at the front counter.
Students, Visitors, and Contractors:
Please complete the Incident Report Form below and submit to
Incident Report Form (267 KB) (fillable PDF)
Incident Report Form (708 KB) (fillable Word document)