Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Policy (GOV-100-020) external link and Radiation Safety Program for the University of Regina, must adhere to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) requirements external link as well as to provincial regulations which govern the use of x-rays and lasers.

The Radiation Safety Officer is responsible for the day-to-day requirements of the Radiation Safety Program. For information regarding the use of radioactive materials or radiation-emitting equipment, contact the U of R Radiation Safety Officer.

Listed below are the various resources to assist you in conducting radiation research and teaching activities safely.

X-Ray Safety

Analytical and medical x-ray units are in use on the University of Regina campus. Their use is regulated by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety  and Occupational Health and Safety. 

For more information on the safe use of radiation equipment you can contact the Radiation Safety Officer.

Laser Safety

The University of Regina Radiation Safety Policy (GOV-100-020) and Laser Safety Program must adhere to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations which govern the use of lasers.

The acronym LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. This is a device designed to produce a beam of monochromatic light in which all the waves are in phase or are coherent. A laser can be emitted as a constant stream of light or in pulses that vary in intensity and duration.
There are many different classes of lasers and each class has the potential to be hazardous. The University of Regina is primarily concerned with the operation of Class 3B and Class 4 lasers as these have a higher potential to cause harm.

The University of Regina Laser Safety Officer is responsible for the day-to-day requirements of the Laser Safety Program. For information regarding the use of Class 3B lasers, Class 4 lasers, or those Class 1 laser systems with embedded high-power lasers if higher emission levels are accessible during maintenance or service, contact the Laser Safety Officer at health.safety@uregina.ca.

Laser Safety Resources
Laser Standard Operating Procedure Example File
Laser Registration Form File
Site Specific Training Procedure and Documentation Example Form File